New Vegas Perk Level Up Again

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For those who accept the game, how does only getting a perk every second level feel? Do you end up significantly underpowered compared to fallout iii?

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As I recall it was the same in that location? It'd be a chip much to get perks every level.

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@Vodun: Nope, in Fallout 3 yous gained a new perk every level.

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Dorsum when i was young, we only got a perk every 3 levels.

 Go off my lawn!

Avatar image for foggel

I feel it'southward a pace back in the level of fun. Choosing perks is fun, why limit it to every second level? "Oh, the game might get likewise like shooting fish in a barrel" ... or too fun? blurgh :P

Avatar image for alistercat

I merely installed a mod that gives you a perk every level. Information technology will permit me to encounter much more of the perks on my beginning playthrough. On hardcore style I volition play it every bit it was intended. I don't consider it to be a cheat.

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Pretty sure the before fallout games merely had perks every other level too. I don't mind it, Fallout iii saw my character basically being a badass all the damn time in every damn way. Now I have to approach situations in a certain way, I'thousand playing a sniper blazon guy, I should'nt exist able to unlock, hack and smoothtalk my way through everything.

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I think this is better. Information technology makes choosing a perk more important and because yous'll end upwards with fewer, they seem more defining for your graphic symbol.

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In Fallout and Fallout 2 you lot got perks ever iii levels. It was besides easy to make a character skillful at everything in FO 3 so I like getting perks every 2 levels.

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Yeah, I prefer it. I never replayed Fallout 3 but I prooobably will with New Vegas.

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So basically nosotros may but choose fifteen perks at the end level. That's 5 under compared to Fallout three and 15 under the DLC. Merely at the same fourth dimension they added like alomst double the perks. I dont sympathise this actually, but i guess it makes you lot're graphic symbol more than balanced, but i didn't feel OP in Fallout 3 tho.

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I experience like I'm gaining levels faster than I was in Fallout 3, so I don't observe the perk affair every bit much.  I'm certain we can probably put expert money on the fact that the level cap volition go a boost in future DLC.  I retrieve that goes without saying.  Only beingness able to pick 15 perks, versus 20, actually makes you have to plan accordingly and pick ones that matter.  Maybe you'll think twice virtually picking that "Blood and Guts" perk if information technology means you won't exist able to deport extra crap in your pack?

Avatar image for raymayne

Aye WTF is up with that? I judge it makes your perk choices all the more important but it kinda annoys me and I feel similar I'm missing out on so much. The fact that I'll end up with simply 15 perks on a full-levelled grapheme out of 88 co-ordinate to the wiki is kinda 0_0

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All the same quicker than the older fallouts when it was once every 3 levels

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Sounds lame to me.

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@Gargantuan said:
" In Fallout and Fallout ii y'all got perks always three levels. Information technology was too easy to make a graphic symbol good at everything in FO 3 so I like getting perks every ii levels. "

 FO3 was manner as well easy, I'm glad they reduced the nº of perks yous can get and took out all those +one special bubbleheads.

@Designer0 said:

" Back when i was young, we but got a perk every 3 levels.  Get off my lawn! "

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I remember they inverse information technology more often than not for balancing purposes. Getting a perk every  level for 30 levels kinda broke Fallout iii.

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It's an comeback overall, simply it sucked having to expect until level 6 to use skill books!

 I went level ii -Intense Training, level iv -Educated, and level 6 -Comprehension.

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I accept that one every level right upwards to level 30 fabricated you a little overpowered, merely so much of the fun is in picking them. Perks are what make fallout SPECIAL, and then to speak, and it seems like obsidian bursting in and telling usa that we can't have as many seems quondam school in a way that we've moved past since the old fallout games. I don't accept the game yet and so I don't know how information technology actually affects the gameplay, merely it seems like y'all could at least requite u.s. a perk each level until level 10 or and so. As well, does the fact that completing challenges can give you extra perks brand up for the perk suppression?

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@Designer0 said:
" Dorsum when i was young, nosotros but got a perk every three levels.  Become off my backyard! "
This!  Damn teenagers with their music television and their skateboards.

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Black Isle used to do it this mode, so it'due south no surprise that the Black Isle guys did information technology that way over again.

 I'k non heartbroken nigh non being a god at level twenty. Beingness able to 1-shot fifty-fifty the toughest super mutants with Lincolns Repeater really took the claiming of the RPG out.

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If y'all don't like it just go to and download a simple mod that changes it back to a perk every level.

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@Gooddoggy said:
" @Designer0 said:
" Back when i was young, we only got a perk every 3 levels.  Go off my lawn! "
This!  Damn teenagers with their music television and their skateboards. "
What music tv set? Last I heard MTV turned into the immature, idiots reality show network.

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@Designer0 said:
" Back when i was young, we but got a perk every 3 levels.  Become off my lawn! "
Oh human being, I recollect those good old days

even though I played Fallout 1 for the first nearly iii years ago

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@ShadowSkill11: Back when I was young, MTV only had music videos, Existent World, and Beavis and Butthead. Today's MTV lineup makes me cry.

Avatar image for kouerson

I waltzed around Fallout 3 like a robo demon and destroyed everything in my path with a plethora of weapons. Now I have to specialize in a handful of things and consider how I'm going to build my play style. This is the style it should exist.

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Eh, it's not a big deal. I gauge information technology'southward a mode to brand your perk choices mean more, instead of only letting you have everything at one time.

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@Gooddoggy said:
" @Designer0 said:
" Back when i was young, we simply got a perk every 3 levels.  Get off my backyard! "
This!  Damn teenagers with their music boob tube and their skateboards. "
and bad game tastes and ideas...

Avatar image for drpockets000

I like this more.  A few times in Fallout iii I would just catch a perk because I didn't know what else to pick.  At present I need to carefully consider my decision because the perks take a much greater statistical significance than they did in Fallout 3.

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@Designer0 said:
" Back when i was young, we simply got a perk every 3 levels.  Get off my lawn! "
And with gifted we'd only go every FOUR levels!(though it was still overpowered)

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@foggel said:
" I feel information technology's a pace dorsum in the level of fun. Choosing perks is fun, why limit it to every second level? "Oh, the game might get too easy" ... or too fun? blurgh :P "
It's a trouble with a lot of games.  For some reason game developers won't let you lot play the way you want to.  They try to make you play there mode, look at Dead Rising ii, all that fun that yous tin can't accept considering you have to play by there rules.  Then yous get a game like Just Crusade two where they basically allow y'all do whatever you want, and it becomes one of the funnest games for a long time.

 Developers need to learn to stop being then oppressive in there games.  But whatever.

Avatar image for aurahack

If I am not mistaken, the default level cap in New Vegas is xxx (unless I misread the achievements). I'll take chances a guess and say that they made it to exist every two levels to non have the thespian finish upwardly like an over-powered behemoth by the end of the leveling tree, but I could be wrong.

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@Gooddoggy said:
" @Designer0 said:
" Back when i was young, we only got a perk every three levels.  Get off my lawn! "
This!  Damn teenagers with their music television and their skateboards. "
And their Futurama avatars! Hold on...

Avatar image for perilator666

there'due south only like ten useful perks in this game anyhow.

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@zoskia: respectfully disagree with this, they are tough choices, peculiarly if you accident two of them on Educated and Comprehension, from the getgo (which seems to brand a lot of sense, to me anyhow).

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I miss Fallout 3'south game breaking awesomeness. My character was a power armored god walking the wasteland with his alien technology  no one could dare oppose him.

Avatar image for kyreo

I feel seriously underpowered.  With the removal of Bobblehead type items, perks every other level, and SUPER rare skill books its difficult to do annihilation in the vein of character stats progression.

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@Kouerson said:
" I waltzed around Fallout 3 like a robo demon and destroyed everything in my path with a plethora of weapons. At present I have to specialize in a handful of things and consider how I'm going to build my play mode. This is the way information technology should be. "
I as well concur with this...

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I am glad, by the fourth dimension i was level twenty in fallout 3 i was an unstoppable killing machine. I dont like feeling overpowered similar that, correct at present i am a level vii in new vegas and it took  me near 20 mins to kill 2 giant rad scorpions and a normal rad scorpion. To me that claiming makes the game so much more than interesting and fun. I wont even tell how long information technology took me to kill a single expiry hook.

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That's how information technology was in Fallout 2, and so if anything, it'south a return to course.

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PC. "Perk Every Level" Modernistic. Awesome

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The Perks function much similar the Feats of Dungeons & Dragons.  Certain, there are classes that allow you lot to go feats on a regular ground while leveling upward, but information technology'southward more than rewarding to build a character by planning ahead and taking the feats you lot want for the graphic symbol you desire to play.  Information technology'south not as interesting when you go a new i every level.

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@PrivateIronTFU said:
" @ShadowSkill11: Back when I was immature, MTV simply had music videos, Existent World, and Beavis and Butthead. Today's MTV lineup makes me cry. "
MTV doesn't even have music videos anymore! How sad is that...

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@Kyreo said:
" I experience seriously underpowered.  With the removal of Bobblehead type items, perks every other level, and SUPER rare skill books its hard to do anything in the vein of character stats progression. "
I'm with you lot. Snowglobes? More than similar blowglobes, amirite? And non only are skill books harder to find, there aren't 1 for each skill! And I've only found like iv lockpick magazines then far, which has frustrated me at several doors and chests and then far.

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Makes getting Bloody Mess more than of an event though, since you become half the perks in a playthrough you lot'd desire to make sure you got the most commonsensical ones.

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@XII_Sniper said:
" Makes getting Bloody Mess more of an issue though, since you get half the perks in a playthrough y'all'd want to make sure you got the most utilitarian ones.  "
Non really.  It's all about how you want to play.  Certain, you tin exist the munchkin and try to minmax your mode to victory, but you shouldn't have to feel that way.

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I know this was how the old fallout's handled perks, merely that doesn't make information technology right.

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@WalkerTR77 said:
" I know this was how the former fallout's handled perks, merely that doesn't get in correct. "
Doesn't go far wrong, either.

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@Hailinel: The betoken is, compared to fallout 3, getting fewer perks seems like it would be less fun. The sometime fallout games don't enter into it.

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@WalkerTR77 said:
" @Hailinel: The point is, compared to fallout 3, getting fewer perks seems like it would be less fun. The old fallout games don't enter into it. "
Doesn't seem that style to me.  But and then again, New Vegas is pretty shitty with its bugs, so restricting perk acquisition to every other level is the least of its issues.


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